Employers: Do You Have Corporate Wellness Slush Fund Dollars to Use Up?

Many health insurance carriers have funds that employers can tap for purchases of products and services that promote the wellness of their employees – for free. Rules vary from carrier to carrier, and you’ll want to confirm in advance – but items like treadmill desk workstations and standing desks are usually approved for purchase. Hurry, though! Any funds not used before the end of the year are usually forfeited.
The Affordable Care Act (“ObamaCare”) also has a provision for small businesses to gain access to similar funds for improving employee wellness, at no cost to the business.
Contact your insurance carrier or broker now to see if you can make end-of-year purchases through these allocated corporate wellness funds. Also, take note that any capital equipment purchase you make in this year – including walking desk workstations and sit-to-stand desks placed into service by December 31st – may be subject to accelerated depreciation tax benefits that will likely expire at the end of this year unless renewed by Congress.
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